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I am a Texas girl through and through. You have to force me to wear shoes in the summer and I love my boots in the fall/winter. I am the youngest of all my siblings (all "half" siblings;if you read my blogs you will learn the craziness) by a minimum of 7 years so was raised pretty much as an only child. I learned to entertain myself in any way I could when friends were not available. If I didn't want to be alone then I had to learn to talk with the adults so I watched a lot of Crossfire (CNN), listened to a lot of talk radio or oldies music in the car (depended on mom or dad driving), and read a lot of books way above my grade level. Throughout my life I have encountered stalkers, a rapist, physical & emotional abuse by those I was supposed to trust, endured losing someone dear to me every year from the age of 14-22, lost a parent in my twenties, been told my child will or could die at this point in time 6 times, and many more items that I might share in time if I find the courage. In all I was raised to stand on my own, don't depend on others to survive, fear & love the Lord, and never turn your back on what you believe to be right. I really feel that the song Love Me If You Can by Toby Keith embodies how I feel about whether someone cares to allow me to have a free voice and respect me or they can hate me and move along. 

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