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Run On Season 1 Episode 1 (S01 E01) Korean Drama

The first season of the American science-fiction television series Star Trek, originally created by Gene Roddenberry, premiered on NBC on September 8, 1966, and concluded on April 13, 1967. The season debuted in Canada on CTV two days before the US premiere, on September 6, 1966. It consisted of 29 episodes, which is the highest number of episodes in a season for the original series of Star Trek. It features William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk, Leonard Nimoy as Spock, and DeForest Kelley as Leonard McCoy.

Run On Season 1 Episode 1 (S01 E01) Korean Drama

The original series pilot, "The Cage", was released to home video in 1986, consisting of black-and-white workprint footage combined with color footage from the season-one, two-part episode "The Menagerie" with a run time of 73 minutes. In 1988, the excised color footage was found and the full-color version of the episode debuted on television and was later given a home-video release for the first time, with a shorter run time of 64 minutes.

Beginning in August 1999, season-one episodes debuted on DVD, with two episodes per volume, completing the entire series, including both versions of "The Cage", in November 1991. A complete-season box set with new bonus features, but without either version of the pilot, was released in August 2004.

I thought this was a wonderful episode, full of so many interesting narratives and ideas. I think this richness is what sets it apart from other current detective drama series (and also what makes it so interesting to analyse and discuss). Compare it to the scandi noir genre for example, which I love very much, but tends to be almost minimalistic in terms of storytelling.

  • After-Action Patch-Up: Kate sews up Jack's back after he's finished running around saving everyone in sight.

  • Blatant Lies: Charlie's claim that Drive Shaft are "in the middle of a comeback."

  • The Cameo: Greg Grunberg, frequent collaborator of J. J. Abrams, appears as the pilot before getting quickly killed off.

  • Cell Phones Are Useless: Boone is seen trying to use his cell phone, but can't get a signal. Justified as they are on a remote island that obviously doesn't have a cell tower.

  • Censorship by Spelling: A failed attempt of this. Hurley spells out B-O-D-Y-S in order to not disturb Walt but Walt corrects him, saying it's actually B-O-D-I-E-S.

  • Children Are Innocent: Upon hearing the Monster, Walt's response is to ask if the loud, distinctly unnatural sounds are his dog.

  • Clean Pretty Reliable: Jack gives Rose CPR for about thirty seconds before she starts coughing and is absolutely fine.

  • Curiosity Killed the Cast: The surviving pilot peeks out of the open front window to get a better look at the creature lurking around. Of course his curiosity pays off and he gets pulled out and killed.

  • Dead Star Walking: Character actor and JJ Abrams regular Greg Grunberg appears as the pilot and is set up as though he's going to be a major character, just before he is killed by the Monster.

  • Dramatic Slip: Charlie slips over a twine and falls when they are running from the Monster. Jack goes back to help him up.

  • Early-Installment Weirdness: The small snippet of "You All Everybody" that Charlie sings in this episode sounds very different to the way the song is sung in later episodes.

  • Establishing Character Moment: Jack's first appearance shows him running around the chaotic beach after the crash, helping as many people as possible, showcasing his medical expertise and his Chronic Hero Syndrome.

  • Boone is seen trying to give the unconscious Rose CPR, only to have Jack call him out on using the wrong technique and send him on a Snipe Hunt to get him out of the way, establishing him as a guy who tries to be a hero but always screws up.

  • Michael is first seen calling out for his son.

  • Shannon angrily refuses Boone's offer of a chocolate bar because she doesn't want to eat before they get rescued, establishing her as a bitchy complainer who has a strained relationship with her brother.

  • Hurley shows off his Nice Guy credentials by bringing the pregnant Claire some food on the first night and giving her an extra meal.

  • Jin tells Sun that she mustn't leave his sight and that the two should ignore the other survivors and only worry about each other, establishing him as possessive and stand-offish, but still a man who cares deeply for his wife.

  • Sawyer is first seen putting a cigarette in his mouth and smoking as he surveys the crash site, establishing him as a rugged individual but also calculating.

  • Sayid is introduced building a signal fire, showing that he is the survivors' best chance at making contact with the outside world.

  • Establishing Series Moment: For the first twenty minutes, the series looks like it's going to be a dramatic take on Gilligan's Island, with a focus on survival on a deserted island while trying to get rescued. Then the survivors hear a loud, mechanical-like roar from the jungle which proceeds to uproot trees, making them and the audience aware that this is not any ordinary island.

  • Eye Open: The first shot is a close-up on Jack opening his eyes.

  • Flashback: The very first one of the series shows Jack on the flight moments before the plane hit turbulence and crashed.

  • Foreshadowing: When Kate first appears, she's rubbing her wrists.

  • Help, I'm Stuck!: One of the surviving passengers is stuck under debris and cries out for help.

  • Imperiled in Pregnancy: Claire is eight months pregnant when Oceanic 815 crashes. She experiences contractions during the aftermath of the crash but Jack correctly works out that they're probably false labor brought on by the stress of what just happened. Once things calm down her contractions stop.

  • Inciting Incident: The plane crash. While future episodes will delve into the mountains and mountains of backstory on the characters and the setting, the arrival of Oceanic 815 kicks off the story of Lost proper.

  • Nothing Is Scarier: The Monster, in its first appearance, rustles and crashes through the trees unseen while the survivors look on, terrified. Later on, we never see it when it kills the pilot or chases Jack, Kate and Charlie, but we see the results of what it did to the pilot, and they are not pretty.

  • Peek-a-Boo Corpse: The dead co-pilot falls out of the cockpit when Jack opens the door.

  • Pilot: The two-parter quickly and effectively introduces the characters along with establishing the mystery.

  • Redemption in the Rain: While everyone else rushes for cover when it starts raining, Locke just sits there and lets it wash over him with a big smile on his face.

  • Sacrificial Lamb: The pilot appears in one scene before he's killed in a very gruesome way just to establish how dangerous The Monster is and that Anyone Can Die. Originally, Jack himself was supposed to fill this role before producers convinced the writers not to go through with it.

  • Shout-Out: When Kate takes some shoes off a corpse, Locke tries to cheer her up by putting an orange peel in his mouth and smiling.

  • Snipe Hunt: Jack sends Boone away to get a pen while he's giving Rose CPR, ostensibly for a tracheotomy but really just to get him out of the way.

  • The Stoic: Locke spends most of the episode looking contemplatively out to sea while everybody else is panicking about the crash or looking for ways to get rescued.

  • Stuff Blowing Up: The turbine and other parts of the aircraft explode at some point for effect.

  • Turbine Blender: One of the passengers is sucked into the turbine which then explodes. He might have lived if Locke hadn't shouted for him to get away from the engine, distracting him.

  • We Have to Get the Bullet Out!: Averted. One of the survivors has a piece of shrapnel lodged in his abdomen, which Jack specifically tells Boone not to let him take out, as it will make the bleeding worse.

  • When It Rains, It Pours: The rain comes out of nowhere and goes the same way.

  • You Are Better Than You Think You Are: After Jack tells Kate the story of how he recovered from making a mistake in his first solo surgery.Kate: If that had been me, I think I'd have run for the door.Jack: No, I don't think that's true. You're not running now.

As the credits roll on Episode 1, "Sundown," I can't contain my excitement for this season. I am invested in the well-being Atticus, Leti, George on a real level. (Side note: 2020 is the year of Jonathan Majors and Jurnee Smollett, praise be!) The show doesn't hold back in its depiction of Jim Crow-era America, and while it might be cringe-inducing for some viewers, it's downright necessary to the story; I would say the episode is stronger for not dodging around the issue about and getting right to the point. Lovecraft Country makes great use of pouring tension into moments where we can suspect the worst-case scenario. You know in your gut what's going to happen the second Atticus connects the dots at the Simmonsville dinette or when the trio tries to get the hell out of the county before sundown. The show is already playing on your dread because you know the broad strokes of history; one wrong move and our heroes are screwed. With all this in mind, I still have some mixed feelings about the sudden transition from, "White people are monsters," into "Oh shit, there are actual monsters," but hopefully Lovecraft Country can artfully circle that square in Episode 2.

The episode opens, in quick succession, with a crash motif, a "waking motif" and the show's main mystery theme, all of which appear on the season one soundtrack in the track "The Eyeland". A 14-bar percussion cue during the chaotic scene at the crash site appears on the soundtrack as "World's Worst Beach Party" and was appropriated for use in the end credits theme music for the show. After the action settles down, Giacchino introduces the gentle theme for the survivors as "Credit Where Credit is Due", which has become a much-used theme throughout the series. 041b061a72


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